Texas School Charities has a two fold mission:
1. To provide educational opportunities to current and future entrepreneurs.
2. To facilitate positive change in communities across the U.S. For 2025, TSC is working with three initiatives--Photography Camps for Kids, Veterans and providing manpower and financial assistance to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS).
Nothing makes a soul sing more than giving back. Giving back to those who are in need of your time, your resources or your heart, is the foundation that can bring a profound impact upon the community around us.
Profound change starts with one individual who is ready to give of their time and talents to help another human. Please join us in changing communities one child, one Veteran, one parent or one entrepreneur at a time. By purchasing tickets for The Give Back, donating items for the event, giving your resources to TSC or joining the volunteer team at TSC, you are taking steps to bring more light to this world.
Keegan's life has always been soccer and baseball practice, but when he was invited to a Kid's Photography Camp, his eyes were, literally, opened. He asked for a camera for Christmas and now is a budding sports photographer--while still playing his favorite sports. TSC facilitates Kid's Camps across the country by providing expert advice, done-for-you lesson plans, Camp Kits and funding for the camps.
but i learned I was creative"
"I thought I was just an athlete
TSC is partnering with Veterans to bring photographic education paired with hands-on training. From full day classes during Texas School, to virtual continuing education to photography walks, each event is led by Veterans with a photography background.
18 veterans every day
PTDS is a silent killer that takes
For many families, the only tangible thing they have that their child existed is the photographs taken by the NILMDTS photographers. This service, offered at no cost, provides families with quality imagery when their infant is born with little to no life expectancy. TSC supports the NILMDTS organization and its photographers with much needed funding and hospital kits. In 2023, TSC gave $20,000 to make sure all families could have photographs.
your child
Imagine leaving the hospital
Join our team of volunteers! We would love for you to become part of our amazing team of volunteers! Please click on the link below to submit a volunteer application!
Texas School Charities believes in the power of the individual. By incorporating the strength of over a 1000 professional photographers, our 100% volunteer run organization is committed to empowering current and future entrepreneurs to change their communities.
Jamie Cobb, MEMBER-at-Large
Email: texasschoolcharities@gmail.com
You are a part of the solution. When you give your time, talents and resources they are multiplied. Thank you for joining us on a mission to change individual lives and strengthen communities. You are an agent of change.